Radio Flyer Air Ride Balance Bike, Toddler Bike, Ages 1.5-5 (Amazon Exclusive), Toddler Bike
Meagan H.
21-11-2024We purchased this for my daughter and so far, she loves it, especially the little bell on the handle bars. Assembly was extremely simple, it took me all of about 15 minutes from taking it out of the box to having it assembled - all you need is an adjustable wrench. You can easily adjust tree seat up or down with a metal lever, and you can adjust the handlebars up or down with the adjustable wrench. This is a quality bike for a great price.
> 3 dayGot it for my 4 yo who took to it right away. It did help that there are several friends of hers who already have balance bikes and she was able to see how it should be ridden before having one of her own. Cons: rather disappointed that the tires were plastic but then I looked at the price tag and all is forgiven. My major beef though is with the seat. No matter how tight I tried to adjust it, it always becomes a bit crook after a few bike sessions. Pros: affordable, looks good, light weight so that even your child can pick it up, the bell, rides well, and last but not the least, it does prepare your child for pedal bikes. We have this bike for 2 months and my toddler already can balance it pretty well. She would pick her feet up and glide for 15 seconds or more before having to push with her feet again. Highly recommend this bike for the fact that it does what every balance bike should do at an affordable price.
> 3 dayThe seat didn’t stay up at first, but then I figured out you have to twist the clamp before securing it. These are perfect, just wish they could do 1-2in shorter so my son could ride his. Guess he will have to watch his sister until he grows that little bit.
Frank Hinojos
> 3 dayThis thing taught my boy to ride in less than a week. He wouldnt get on his regular bike after the training wheel broke off. I took off the remaining wheel and broken stub from his bike and it sat there collecting dust. I didnt even buy this for him (5 years old) but I bought it for my younger boy (3 years old) but the 5 year old jump on this and began balancing right away. After a few times out with this balance bike, I encouraged him to try his pedal bike but just put his feet on the floor just like the balance bike. He just pedalled away first try. If nothing else, this balance bike encourages confidence! Now my younger boy is learning on it. This one with the rubber tires is much better than the plastic tire version because my boys like to hit turns on this thing and the rubber grips nicely. My buddy has the plastic tire version and his slips out on tight turns. Very recommended. Frank
> 3 dayAfter trying out a larger pedal bike with trainers for our 3 year old we decided to get this little balance bike. It was a great idea. Our son was frustrated with the bigger bike, couldn’t manage it because it was to heavy, and we would end up pushing him...a lot. With the balance bike, he is pushing along and enjoying the ride a lot more. Not to mention he has already started gliding on it. But he still loves it! He’s a tall 3, but the fit is perfect. Definitely recommend as a first bike.
Rachael E. Stanley
> 3 dayThis is a cute balance bike. My 2 year old loves it. But, it is very hard to get the bolt tight enough to keep the handle bar from coming un-aligned with the front wheel.It is not much, but just a little bit. I dont think this is a safety issue. The bolt is also a fairly soft metal, so if you try using pliers instead of a wrench, it can make marks on the bolt. Thats covered by the red plastic. Just to be clear, it is tight enough he can ride it. He does not have the strength to twist it out of alignment and it is not loose enough that it comes out of alignment while riding. Just when it is propped up or laying flat on the ground (such as overnight), the weight of the bike will eventually cause the handles and the front wheel to come un-aligned. Or, if I use adult strength, I can twist the handle to be out of alignment with the wheel. So before he rides it, I always re-align it. He loves the little bell on the handles. That was a nice touch. I was rather happy that the bike came mostly assembled. The instructions give you directions from completely un-assembled starting point. So youll actually start on step 3 or 5. I think its worth the money, but its not perfect.
> 3 dayGreat purchase. We purchased in October 2019 when my son was 2 years, 4 months. We let him use it as much or as little as he wanted. In the last few weeks, he has really taken to it and flies down the street. He loves starting at the top of our driveway way and coasting down the street. It definitely helps with balance and its a great size and will definitely grow with him.
> 3 dayMy grandson is learning to sit and run. He will be balancing soon. The seat is easy to adjust. The only hiccup is a small tear in the seat. Ive contacted manufacturer and hopefully that will go well. Otherwise exactly what I wanted and expected.
Ahmed Crist
> 3 dayMy 3 year old son loves his new balance bike and the bell! However, I do wish it had a place to rest his feet and I could raise the handlebars.
> 3 dayMy son loves this bike! Especially the bell, which was an added bonus (for him, not me). Only complaint and reason for the 4 stars is the pole where the seat is sticks out the bottom and when your kid is still trying to learn to balance it, it falls and that pole digs into his leg. Its not a huge deal, and as he grows and the seat goes up, it wont be a big deal, but its already hurt him twice!