Radio Flyer Air Ride Balance Bike, Toddler Bike, Ages 1.5-5 (Amazon Exclusive), Toddler Bike

(378 reviews)


(60000 available )

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98 Ratings
  • Mary Ramirez

    > 3 day

    There was no wrench included to put handle bars on - had to wait to complete assembly - had an anxious child waiting to ride!!

  • Jerret Gosnell

    Greater than one week

    Our son loves this bike. We gave it to him for his second birthday, and we cant keep up. Hes rode it every day for a month, sometimes multiple times a day. Hes shorter than most, and the seat goes down far enough for him. The seat can go much higher which makes us happy as to not need to replace it like we do shoes. I highly highly recommend. Best balance bike ever seen.

  • Joe K.

    > 3 day

    I get that this isnt a $90 Strider. But having put one of those together recently, versus what I dealt with putting this one together... well Radio Flyer could have made theirs a little better without a ton of extra effort or cost. Ultimately, as a balance bike its going to work very well. So its probably closer to a 4 on value and a 2-3 on assembly. As for why I dinged it, well the alignment of handlebars and wheel while tightening it is cumbersome at best, ridiculous at worst. Strider has this right, you slip the steerer tube from the fork and the shaft from the handlbars together and put a pin through them. That way it will always be 100% straight. Then when you tighten it down you can simply worry about only fastening the parts together. This bike needs 4 hands to be done right and a ratchet set on top of that. You have to hold the fork and handlebars tightly together while turning two bolts and not allowing the handlebars and fork to separate and become loose in the headtube, or have them twist and become misaligned. Not a great design there guys. Once I got it in place it was fine and the bike is very good for what it was meant for. I just wish some extra effort was put in place for alignment and adjustment. Really unnecessarily complex for the ONLY thing that has to be done to put the bike together.

  • Mary Sikora

    > 3 day

    The ad states the bike has rubber air filled tires. I was sent a bike with foam tires. From reading other reviews this seems to be a common problem. Had option to return the wrong one and get the rubber tire bike, but should have been done correctly the first time.

  • Marayln

    > 3 day

    Right size for my 34 month old daughter. And has a lot of room for her to use in the future, even she haven’t learned about it, she still loves to get on it and walk.

  • Kevin Sweeney

    > 3 day

    Need some tools to put it together and make the handle bars tight enough to not turn. Slightly too tall for my 2.5 yr old but hell grow into it. We love it just fine!


    > 3 day

    My son actually had a Radio flyer 3 wheel scooter that we got him when he was probably almost 2 and he ran it into the ground and outgrew it and this new balance bike was perfect for him as a 3 year old and he goes zipping through the house on it. Wheels dont scuff the wood floors or anything. Its cute and sturdy.

  • Justin Vosburg

    > 3 day

    This is a great balance bike IF YOUR CHILD IS 3’ tall. My daughter is 2’ 10” and just a tad too short to put both feet on the ground when the seat is all the way down. The bike was super easy to assemble, a 13mm socket tightened the handle bar and front tire while the seat has a easy release on the frame for the seat post. It came as expected, bright red. Just a bummer that my daughter was too short.

  • Smiling Buddah

    > 3 day

    I researched and found a bunch of helpful comparisons of balance bikes online. This one had a few strikes against it, but in my opinion its the best! Why the heck (unless you are a professional cyclist) would you spend over $100 on a balance bike?! This one is great. Does what it needs to do. Has a bell. Seems to be really good quality. My 3 year old is a bit of scaredy cat, so she still needs help. Watching videos of other kids riding them and having her older cousins use it and have fun helped : ) PS there is a YouTube video done by a professional cyclist that has great advice on how to teach your kid how to ride a balance bike! I of course, hoped she would jump right on and start zipping around, but I knew she would need some help so we watched that first : )

  • Katlyn


    My 2 year old son LOVES this bike. He is a bigger two year old so he wasnt quite ready for a typical tricycle yet, but also was too large for the smaller toddler type toys. We bought this bike and I can truly say it is one of the best purchases we have made. It holds up great, is super easy to assemble. He loves it! In one summer he has already gotten to the point where he is ready to graduate from this bike and go to a full on regular bike with no training wheels, that is how well it has improved his balance! He is ahead of his 4 year old sister!

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