The Original Croco Ultra Lightweight and Sturdy Balance Bike. 3 Models for 2, 3, 4 and 5 Year Old Kids. Unbeatable Features. Toddler Training Bike, No Pedal. The lightest and Most Equipped

(827 reviews)


(130000 available )

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97 Ratings
  • Magnumbull

    > 24 hour

    I cant believe how little this bike weighs. My doorman was shocked when I told him what was in the package, and more importantly, my 2 yr old can easily pick it up and maneuver it. The tires dont require air and are sturdy/solid enough to ride on asphalt, yet they dont slip, making them ideal for indoor use on wood floors. The size of the frame is ideal for smaller children and the handlebars and seat are easily adjustable. The paint finish is very high-quality but the stickers (super cute) were a bit loose or unevenly applied. The steering rack tends to rotate a bit even though it is completely tightened. Its not a real issue now but I worry that it may become one as my child gets bigger and more independently active with it. I wouldnt want her to oversteer and have the entire rack rotate. I also wish the footrests were a bit larger for the tiny kids because its not easy for them to raise and bend their knees to get their feet into the proper position. Shes not quite ready to rest her feet and coast anyway, so again, its not an issue at this time. Overall, I am very pleased with the product and my toddler loves it.

  • Di

    > 24 hour

    Bought this for my granddaughter on her 3th birthday. She fill in love with it. Easy to ride and assemble. She will be able to ride a big bike without training wheels.

  • Carmen

    > 24 hour

    The bike is well made, attractive, and so light its easy to carry anywhere. I bought it for my 2 year old and he absolutely loves it. No regrets with this purchase!

  • Kristen

    > 24 hour

    Has been great for our 2.5 year old. We do a little bit every day that we can. She is more motivated when other kids walk with us. Have had it for a few months during the hot TX summer and she is gaining strength and confidence. I try to start her on a downward slope, even small ones. She went halfway around the block the other day before stopping. And she also recently hopped on her tricycle and just started pedaling on her own down the driveway. Even though she didnt go far, just down the slope of the driveway, she had the hang of the back and forth motion of pedaling that she didnt grasp before. I know this is because of the balance bike practice. Ths croco bike is great. Holds up well and is super lightweight. When she is tired, Im able to carry her, piggy-back, and the bike back to the house. We got the purple one with the bell and she loves it. I showed her videos of other kids learning how to ride balance bikes while we waited for it to be shipped. The seat and handle bars are easy to adjust. So glad we made this purchase!

  • A VERY Satisfied Customer

    > 24 hour

    Bought this for my grandson. He loves it. Quick assembly. Would recommend a balance bike to any child before using a regular bike. The other grandson taught himself how to ride a regular bike without ever using training wheels after using a balance bike for around 6 months.

  • Miguel F.

    > 24 hour

    Very easy to assemble and super lightweight. Its smaller than I thought, though. I have a taller than avg 2.5 year old girl, so it definitely wont last until shes 5. Im giving it 4 stars because some pictures show a handle bar pad which was not in the package. Not sure if it should come in the box. If it shouldnt, then pictures are deceiving. UPDATE: Rating 5 stars thanks to the good customer service. UPDATE 2: Back to 4 stars as they promised to send the handle bar pad but never heard of them anymore. Seems like as soon as they get 5 stars, they forget about everything else.

  • Rebecca D

    > 24 hour

    I bought two of these in 2021 for my twin 2 year olds. Took a little while for them to get the hang of, but one is four and still using it, and the other started riding a two wheeler with no training wheels at three! Super lightweight, sturdy, can’t say enough!

  • PC

    > 24 hour

    This bike has been much used and much loved by two of my kids. We lost some parts, contacted customer service, and they were able to send replacements quickly. I would recommend this bike and this company to anyone!

  • Cedeno

    > 24 hour

    My daughter has used this for two years (age 2-4) and takes it everywhere. She keeps up with her three big sisters and is ready for a pedal bike!

  • Sean Bromley

    > 24 hour

    UPDATE*** My sister called the customer service number provided in the box and they were super helpful. They are sending out another bike. I think this company deserves a 5 star rating for customer service alone. Thanks for standing behind your product. Ill be happy to update this review again once the bike is received. I purchased this bike for my nephew for Christmas. The box came unopened and not damaged. When the bike was put together the wheels were so warped they were not usable. The bike was returned for another one hoping it was just a defect. Im sad to say the second bike came exactly as the first one. I waited too long to return it and now I have a bike that is useless.

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