The Original Croco Ultra Lightweight and Sturdy Balance Bike. 3 Models for 2, 3, 4 and 5 Year Old Kids. Unbeatable Features. Toddler Training Bike, No Pedal. The lightest and Most Equipped
> 3 dayMy 4 year old son loves this balance bike, and has been riding it for more than a year. Recently there was a screw missing, so I sent an email to customer service. They replied within 30 minutes, and sent us a new screw for free.
Auntie M
> 3 dayBought this balance bike for my grandson who is 16 months old. It is the perfect size and very light weight. Now he can feel like a big boy when riding bikes with his 3 year old sister. He loves the bell that came with it. Love the adjustable seat and handlebars, perfect as he grows. I feel this bike will last him a long time and being that it is a balance bike when he graduates to a bike with peddles, he wont need training wheels. Great purchase!
Mark Schuster
> 3 dayAt first, I had a problem securing the handle bar assembly with the Quick Clamp, but after receiving a helpful hint from the company almost immediately, I was able to adjust it securely. I love that it is so lightweight. I would suggest that the manufacturer update their instruction booklet, as one of the parts mentions there is an allen wrench included. There is not an allen wrench, reports the manufacturer, since they now have the Quick Clamp assembly. Might be good to know. I was trying to figure out what I was supposed to use the nonexistent wrench on. I also think the back wheel is out of round. When I push it along on the hardwood floors, it feels a little like you have a bad wheel on a grocery cart. Noticeable to me but probably not to a three year old riding on the sidewalk!!! Overall a good product and worth the price paid.
> 3 dayI liked it so much I bought a 2nd bike for granddaughter
Shaun Collins
> 3 dayI wish I would have had this bike for my first child, it has made teaching a child how to ride a bike soooo easy for my second child. My son just didnt have the confidence and was afraid of falling. With this bike he doesnt have to be afraid of falling because he can catch himself. Its so light weight that he can move the bike around all by himself and doesnt need me to help. Side note: As the one who has to put all the new toys together, this was super easy to assemble. I literally had this together in less than 3 minutes AND without any additional tools. All around great bike to buy if you want to teach your child how to ride a bike.
> 3 dayHas been great for our 2.5 year old. We do a little bit every day that we can. She is more motivated when other kids walk with us. Have had it for a few months during the hot TX summer and she is gaining strength and confidence. I try to start her on a downward slope, even small ones. She went halfway around the block the other day before stopping. And she also recently hopped on her tricycle and just started pedaling on her own down the driveway. Even though she didnt go far, just down the slope of the driveway, she had the hang of the back and forth motion of pedaling that she didnt grasp before. I know this is because of the balance bike practice. Ths croco bike is great. Holds up well and is super lightweight. When she is tired, Im able to carry her, piggy-back, and the bike back to the house. We got the purple one with the bell and she loves it. I showed her videos of other kids learning how to ride balance bikes while we waited for it to be shipped. The seat and handle bars are easy to adjust. So glad we made this purchase!
> 3 dayMy 3-year-old son can ride for the first time.
> 3 dayA friend recommended this and I’m glad that we bought it. My son loves his balance bike and I love that it’s so lightweight and easy to carry , while still being sturdy.
William Xavier
> 3 dayMy son has two of these now. One for outside play and one he uses indoors. He has an orange and a blue one. The colors are vibrant, not cheaply made, very sturdy and light weight. Kids can build up momentum on these which is why I think the light weight of it comes into play. Seat is easily adjusted for growth. I highly recommend.
Mrs. McDaniel
> 3 dayFast and easy to assemble. 2 year old can easily pick up and move around.