The Original Croco Ultra Lightweight and Sturdy Balance Bike. 3 Models for 2, 3, 4 and 5 Year Old Kids. Unbeatable Features. Toddler Training Bike, No Pedal. The lightest and Most Equipped

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97 Ratings
  • JoMarie

    > 3 day

    I’m updating my review on my own account after we used the bikes more and the founder reached out to me. If you’re looking for a great balance bike for your little The Croco is great and their customer service is amazing! I got two bikes for my 2 1/2 yr young twins. Green and blue (their favorite colors). I chose the lightweight option not realizing there was also a sturdy frame option made of steel. Originally I thought it was too light but after my boys started using them more, I noticed they were perfect! They can easily carry their own bike and walk around with them safely and they love that sense of independence! They also love that it came with a bell. The grip tape used on the bike where kids can put their feet up is abrasive. It scraped up the inside of my little boys legs to the point of bleeding with very little riding. They’ve already reached out to their factory to look at alternative materials they could use and will include the grip tape separate so you can choose whether or not to use it. I greatly appreciated this because it shows they really care about their customers!

  • Mark Schuster

    > 3 day

    At first, I had a problem securing the handle bar assembly with the Quick Clamp, but after receiving a helpful hint from the company almost immediately, I was able to adjust it securely. I love that it is so lightweight. I would suggest that the manufacturer update their instruction booklet, as one of the parts mentions there is an allen wrench included. There is not an allen wrench, reports the manufacturer, since they now have the Quick Clamp assembly. Might be good to know. I was trying to figure out what I was supposed to use the nonexistent wrench on. I also think the back wheel is out of round. When I push it along on the hardwood floors, it feels a little like you have a bad wheel on a grocery cart. Noticeable to me but probably not to a three year old riding on the sidewalk!!! Overall a good product and worth the price paid.

  • Rebecca D

    > 3 day

    I bought two of these in 2021 for my twin 2 year olds. Took a little while for them to get the hang of, but one is four and still using it, and the other started riding a two wheeler with no training wheels at three! Super lightweight, sturdy, can’t say enough!

  • MC

    > 3 day

    I got this balance bike for my daughter. Its very easy to assemble, but the package was missing a missing non-critical piece. The seller quickly mailed me the missing piece. My daughter likes the bike. We both like its light weight for its convenient to carry around.

  • Jason.Z

    > 3 day

    My 4 year old son loves this balance bike, and has been riding it for more than a year. Recently there was a screw missing, so I sent an email to customer service. They replied within 30 minutes, and sent us a new screw for free.

  • Auntie M

    > 3 day

    Bought this balance bike for my grandson who is 16 months old. It is the perfect size and very light weight. Now he can feel like a big boy when riding bikes with his 3 year old sister. He loves the bell that came with it. Love the adjustable seat and handlebars, perfect as he grows. I feel this bike will last him a long time and being that it is a balance bike when he graduates to a bike with peddles, he wont need training wheels. Great purchase!

  • Alicia

    > 3 day

    I cannot say enough good things about this bike. We got it for my son when he turned 2. It was great at that age, because when he discarded it on the side of the road, it was so lightweight that we could just throw it over our shoulders. We even packed it in a large duffle bag for vacations. So many benefits to it being lightweight. Fast forward to age 3 1/2, he is zooming around the neighborhoods & on trails, and can ride up to three miles on it. We jog beside him or go on family bike rides. Then, the greatest thing happened! One day, he grabbed a neighbor kids bike, jumped on it and started riding it with no hesitation! We never had to teach him to ride a bike! We never went through a training wheels stage! This balance bike taught him fully ride a bike at age 3 1/2!

  • A VERY Satisfied Customer

    > 3 day

    Bought this for my grandson. He loves it. Quick assembly. Would recommend a balance bike to any child before using a regular bike. The other grandson taught himself how to ride a regular bike without ever using training wheels after using a balance bike for around 6 months.

  • Brian Sinden

    > 3 day

    We have had these bikes for only a few weeks and already we can see improved balance from our oldest. He is 5 and has been in occupational therapy to build his core muscles and loosen his hip joints caused by sitting in a W. When he first got the bike he would hunch over the handle bars to maintain balance, now he sits up straight and zooms around the cul de sac with his younger brother. Both my boys love to ride their bikes, we get out on walks almost on a daily basis and if given the chance they would ride for hours. Great confidence booster and I believe it will help both of them when they move up to a regular bike.

  • Kindle Customer

    > 3 day

    I have to sadly return this bike since it is too small for me 4 year old daughter!? It is fantastic though especially in regards to its weight (benefit of aluminum frame).

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