Wdmiya Baby Balance Bike for 1 Year Old Boy Girl,Adjustable Seat and Toddler Ride-on Toys for First Birthday Gift Blue Shark
La Vida Loca YT Keeping Up With The Reviews
18-11-2024This bike was really easy to assemble, just pop the wheels. Its lightweight but durable and very sturdy. The size is perfect for a 1yr old and up. The seat is padded, nicely curved and comfortable for the baby. The bike doesnt tip over and the baby just needs to sit and push it using the legs, there are no pedals on this bike. That being said, its a lot of fun for the baby of that age to do use it. This is definitely pass down quality bike and will last to be passed on to younger siblings. I recommend
> 3 dayIt was a gift for babys first birthday.
Vera Berishaj
> 3 dayI didn’t like it cuz my niece would try and stand up with it and then she would tip over.. so a no go for us
> 3 dayAssembly took mere 5 minutes. Everything just snapped on. It was simple and easy. The pares and the wheels looked sturdy. Its a nicely made toddler bike. The wheels are hard plastic so it rides hard. My grandson only sat on it but he will have no problem learning to ride