Wdmiya Baby Balance Bike for 1 Year Old Boy Girl,Adjustable Seat and Toddler Ride-on Toys for First Birthday Gift Blue Shark
Hong Lin 123
> 3 dayFirst of all, this bike was easy to assemble and with great quality. My son was extremely happy when he saw it. Right now, everyday after dinner time is the bike time with boys. Love it!
> 3 dayThis toddler bike is a cut above the rest in that the tiger on it moves its eyes and mouth as your little one rides! Also the wheel hubs are paws - so cute! This clicked together super fast and is ready to ride in about a minute!
Greater than one weekGot this for my 20mth son to ride on walks and it looks great (almost luxurious). It was easy to assemble with just slide and snaps (no tools necessary). The wheels are good size but only plastic. Still feels good quality and rides well. It is light enough that my son can carry/move it around but not heavy that it impedes his ability to ride it. Overall, its a very good quality bike that looks great.
Trevor & Amber
> 3 dayThis assembled easily within five minutes, do note the direction of the main bar that connects the seat, both sets of wheels and the head of the animal as it was a little confusing at first. When it wasnt all clicking (snapping) together like it should then I took the two pieces apart and turned it around and all was good. The mouth of the animal opens and closes when the toy is being pushed forward or backward.
Debbie Resweber
Greater than one weekIt was totally cute! It was a birthday gift for my grandson
Jeff - Dallas, Texas
Greater than one weekI have several grandkids that are under 4. I wanted something at the house they can ride when they visit which is every other weekend. This is small and is light enough they can ride across the carpet in the great room. They love it and the quality seems to be very good. Probably get another one to keep outside for them as well. Would highly recommend this for your little ones.
> 3 dayMy kid loves this... thank you!
> 3 dayHighly recommend this balance bike! My little guy is 18-months-old and this balance bike is the perfect size for him. It arrived in a few pieces that were incredibly easy to snap together. Despite the easy assembly, its a really solid little bike. The handle bars have great grip, the seat is soft and comfortable for tiny tushies, and the height seems like itll work great for the 12-36 month age range. My kiddo needs a bit of a boost to get him onto the seat, but he is able to dismount on his own. The bike glides up and down our hallway with ease and its relatively lightweight, so toddlers can maneuver it on their own. If youre looking for a starter balance bike, look no further! This is a must buy!
La Vida Loca YT Keeping Up With The Reviews
> 3 dayThis bike was really easy to assemble, just pop the wheels. Its lightweight but durable and very sturdy. The size is perfect for a 1yr old and up. The seat is padded, nicely curved and comfortable for the baby. The bike doesnt tip over and the baby just needs to sit and push it using the legs, there are no pedals on this bike. That being said, its a lot of fun for the baby of that age to do use it. This is definitely pass down quality bike and will last to be passed on to younger siblings. I recommend
nancy d
Greater than one weekThe description for this toddler bike showed ages 12-36 months. It is too small for a 24 month. I purchased it for my Granddaughter and she was unable to use it. Way too small. Maybe a 12 month old. Disappointed.