Wdmiya Baby Balance Bike for 1 Year Old Boy Girl,Adjustable Seat and Toddler Ride-on Toys for First Birthday Gift Blue Shark
> 3 dayMy 18 month baby really enjoyed this , it has great balance, light weight, easy to maneuver for the baby, definitely a great buy.
Greater than one weekHighly recommend this balance bike! My little guy is 18-months-old and this balance bike is the perfect size for him. It arrived in a few pieces that were incredibly easy to snap together. Despite the easy assembly, its a really solid little bike. The handle bars have great grip, the seat is soft and comfortable for tiny tushies, and the height seems like itll work great for the 12-36 month age range. My kiddo needs a bit of a boost to get him onto the seat, but he is able to dismount on his own. The bike glides up and down our hallway with ease and its relatively lightweight, so toddlers can maneuver it on their own. If youre looking for a starter balance bike, look no further! This is a must buy!
Kab Pum
Greater than one weekWhat I like about this bike is that it is very easy to assemble and it is also sturdy. The wheels also run smoothly too. What I dislike about this bike is that it is a bit too small for my 15-month-old kid. The wheels run over his feet each time he tries to go forward or backward and this makes him dont want to ride it. I was disappointed. I wish the bike was made a little taller and longer. Updated review (10/30/2022) Upon knowing that this bike was too small for my kid, the seller reached out to me and sent me a new bike that I can adjust its seat and handle, which works perfect for my kid. I really appreciate the responsiveness of this seller and their communication and well as their openness to finding a solution for their customer. If your kid is taller, I would recommend getting one of the adjustable bikes instead. I am changing my original rating (3 stars) to 5 stars because the new bike works for my kid and the customer service and communication I have gotten from this seller were nothing but great.
chaoying wang
Greater than one weekThe material of this bike is really good. Its easy to control. My child loves this bike. His height is perfect for this bike.
starlene jastifer
> 3 dayShould be a little more sturdy
17-11-2024First balance bike for my toddler, really easy to assemble, no need tool, done with 3 minutes. The fun part is when u ride it, the dogs mouth is slowly moving. My son absolutely loved it
Rhonda Eveleth
Greater than one weekGrand kids love them!!
> 3 dayno option to raise seat. Daughter preferred to get off and walk/run.
Kindle Customer
> 3 dayPerfect toy for a one year old.
> 3 dayKids loved this bike so much that we had to get a second