Wdmiya Baby Balance Bike for 1 Year Old Boy Girl,Adjustable Seat and Toddler Ride-on Toys for First Birthday Gift Blue Shark
> 3 dayEasy to assemble the item, the seat is adjustable and the wheels are sturdy. My 16 months is to able to grab into the side bars and move slowly without falling off or sliding away. The color is nice (the brown one) and it is not heavy to move around. I m happy with the purchase
19-11-2024Our 16 month old grandson loves his bicycle. It is so cute. We had no trouble putting it together; it literally took a few minutes to assemble. It is well made and functional. Our grandson really enjoys riding his bike! Highly recommend.
Elaine Davis
> 3 daySturdy and easy assembly.
Greater than one weekMy grandson absolutely loves this. Bought for birthday
> 3 dayMy grand daughter is happy! Great for a gift and reasonable price!
> 3 dayThe baby is already one and a half years old, like to play in the yard every day, recently watched a friends child play scootering, my child is also particularly interested, so I quickly bought her one, the child likes it after getting his hands, the height of the body is just right for her, I dont have to worry about her falling
chaoying wang
> 3 dayThe material of this bike is really good. Its easy to control. My child loves this bike. His height is perfect for this bike.
Enos Kohler
> 3 dayEasy assembly
Love my purse
Greater than one weekLive it
> 3 dayMy son received this as a gift and it’s horrible. Other then being cute, it tips over easily, is hard for a toddler to turn, and as he turns the whole bike shifts to either the left or the right and he falls on his face. It’s a terrible design. Luckily, when I have had him try it I catch him before he faceplants into anything. He’s 1.5 years old. Why wouldn’t they design it to be stable and heavier to allow him to learn? It’s so lightweight it topples with him. I don’t understand the good reviews.