Wdmiya Baby Balance Bike for 1 Year Old Boy Girl,Adjustable Seat and Toddler Ride-on Toys for First Birthday Gift Blue Shark
> 3 dayThe bike looked cute in the picture.My granddaughter received it today and I just received pictures of little Fee sitting on the bike. She’s in the normal range as far as the growth chart. She just celebrated her first birthday last week. The ad clearly states that it’s good for 12–36 months—which is extremely misleading. No issues with the color of the trike. I just feel terrible that it isn’t llarger and that it won’t fit her six months from now. Shop carefully, folks. I thought that I did. Due diligence in shoppers. Additionally, the seat and handlebars are not adjustable. IMO, a mess!
Tonie Schwandner
> 3 dayMy nephews love it. I bought it for the youngest he is 1. He rides it and so does the middle one, he is 2. My sister said they absolutely love it.
Greater than one weekHighly recommend this balance bike! My little guy is 18-months-old and this balance bike is the perfect size for him. It arrived in a few pieces that were incredibly easy to snap together. Despite the easy assembly, its a really solid little bike. The handle bars have great grip, the seat is soft and comfortable for tiny tushies, and the height seems like itll work great for the 12-36 month age range. My kiddo needs a bit of a boost to get him onto the seat, but he is able to dismount on his own. The bike glides up and down our hallway with ease and its relatively lightweight, so toddlers can maneuver it on their own. If youre looking for a starter balance bike, look no further! This is a must buy!
> 3 dayLiked and was for grandkids!!!
Rhonda Eveleth
> 3 dayGrand kids love them!!
> 3 dayThis was shockingly easy to assemble which was amazing. My son is 12 months old, wearing 18-24mo clothes and this is a little too big for him to ride. He is too small to sit on the seat and hold on so he stands close to the handle bars. Its very cute and he loves it. Would buy again. One thing to note is that the the clacking from the mouth opening and shutting does get a little annoying. Also, the plastic wheels are slippery on wood and tile floors. I guess its more meant for outside? Or maybe a carpet floor?
> 3 dayThe bike was very easy to put together and so cute and little. It’s definitely for a 1 year old that is good at walking so perhaps 1 1/2.
> 3 dayThis toddler bike is a cut above the rest in that the tiger on it moves its eyes and mouth as your little one rides! Also the wheel hubs are paws - so cute! This clicked together super fast and is ready to ride in about a minute!
Beth N. Briles
> 3 dayJust as I expected
Jeff - Dallas, Texas
> 3 dayI have several grandkids that are under 4. I wanted something at the house they can ride when they visit which is every other weekend. This is small and is light enough they can ride across the carpet in the great room. They love it and the quality seems to be very good. Probably get another one to keep outside for them as well. Would highly recommend this for your little ones.