Blues Brothers
Dennis Dreiling
> 24 hourVery good
Brian Quarfoth
> 24 hourFirst, Id like to say that I consider The Blues Brothers to be the greatest movie of all time. No other film has so masterfully blended side-spliting comedy, high speed action, and great music. Now, about this DVD. Everyone who is a fan of this movie needs to get this. Theres about 15 or so minutes of extra footage in the movie. Theres a whole new scene where you see Elwood quit his job. Very cool! Theres a wonderful making of special with interviews of Dan Aykroyd, John Landis, most of the Blues Brother Band, and many others. I beg you! Dont pass up the chance to own this treasure!
I Love SevenStars
> 24 hourまず、全体として思うのだが「こんな贅沢なキャストとアイディアに溢れた作品があっていいのか?」という驚きだ.所見は小学生時代だったのだが、成人になるにつれ、こんな凄い企画が実現できた事自体に驚いてしまう.~卓抜なテンポとスピード感の中にちりばめられたロック、ソウル、R&Bの芳醇さ.ジェームズ・ブラウン、アレサ・フランクリン、レイ・チャールズらの抜群のパフォーマンスは本作の最高の推進力となってぐんぐん映画を走らせる.これだけのキャストだと-下衆だが-ギャラ総額はどうなっているのだろうか....。そして、ジョン・ベルーシという唯一無二の鬼才はあれほど愛らしく、なぜにブルース・ロックを歌うとあんなにカッコいいんだろう?~映画のエンディング迄遊び心に溢れ、ジェイルハウスロックを出演者・スタッフがノリまくって歌う爽快感は最高だし、そのベルーシはもうハンパじゃなくカッコいい.最後に不幸な事故で亡くなったベルーシに深く追悼.~きっともう二度とこんな凄い映画が創られないのは寂しい限りだ.
> 24 hourGreat movie. One of the great car movies that the whole family can enjoy. Great comedy, with a line up of SUPER music stars. Buy this movie today and watch it this weekend with the whole family with a bowl of popcorn and a giant soda.
Lucius Emmerich
> 24 hourjust as stated
> 24 hourFilm che è una certezza...DVD semplice, semplice con un piccolo difetto: ogni tanto si inserisce lInglese al posto dellItaliano e senza tutto dura al massimo linizio di una scena e poi torna allitaliano in automatico...comunque sempre mitico Film e mitiche musiche
Arch Quigley Sr.
> 24 hourlove this movie!
Due P.T. Cinema Srl
> 24 hourok
> 24 hourOne of the best! Quality great - content? Its the Blues Brothers!!
Unknown unknown
> 24 hourClassicly funny with great tunes