Strider - 12 Sport Kids Balance Bike, No Pedal Training Bicycle, Lightweight Frame, Flat-Free Tires, For Toddlers and Children Ages 18 Months to 5 Years Old
> 3 dayMy Granddaughter loves it. Easy to assemble. Seems sturdy.
Erick G
> 3 dayGreat balance bike, bought for my 3 kids oldest being 5 and he just barely makes the cuts. Seems to have improved in balancing although since purchase I havent had him use his regular bike. My main gripe was during purchase I noticed part of the primary strider sticker on the side frame was peeling off on opening the box, and just stuck it back together. Weeks later it noticeably isnt sticking anymore which is unfortunate, hence the star drop. Highly recommended otherwise and hoping my kid will be off his training wheels sooner than later
Jefferey Zieme
> 3 dayMy 3-year old LOVES his bike. I love that hes not constantly tipping over like with his tricycle or struggling with tight turns. The bike is lightweight and durable. Glad we chose this bike instead of a bike with training wheels!
> 3 dayThis bike is great! Very well made, easy to put together. We bought it for 2 year old grandson and very happy with it!
Master Yip
> 3 dayThought it was going to be pretty hard for him to learn at just 2, but after just a few days he already starting to pick up his feet and glide. This bike is built light weight and solid. Really happy with it.
Zach M
> 3 dayMy daughter loves your balance bike. She is only 3, yet is already gliding away. Perfect Birthday gift.
Lee Sianshao
> 3 dayThis is a good product, the finishing is 1st grade.
> 3 dayAwesome bike. Grandson having a blast. 3 years old.
Spencer Locke
> 3 dayMy 3 year old is riding circles around his older cousins, bombing down hills with confidence; for months now we ride about 2-3mi a day & he loves it!
> 3 dayI bought this for my 4 year old. I bought him the previous version when he was 2. I wish I would have looked at the dimensions because it is the same bike I bought before, only difference is the seat is bigger. I wouldnt have bought this if I would have known that. I do not recommend this bike if you have a previous version. Now, if you dont have the previous version, then buy this. Both seats work great and it grows with your child.