Strider - 12 Sport Kids Balance Bike, No Pedal Training Bicycle, Lightweight Frame, Flat-Free Tires, For Toddlers and Children Ages 18 Months to 5 Years Old
Rod Rippin DVM
> 3 dayA good choice for toddlers like my grandson who refuse to use pedals on tricycles and other bikes! The seat is easily adjusted up or down for younger or older riders. Its light enough to ride indoors and sturdy enough for outdoors. Would have given 5 stars but there is some concern about the wheels lasting over the long haul as they are hard plastic, not rubber.
Jonathan Gillham
> 3 dayGreat product, kids love it. No real need to get the sport vs the regular as we have one of each and they are both great but the difference isnt worth it.
Daphne Hane
Greater than one weekEasy to put together, very high quality. Still working with my 2 yr old on walking with it though. Would recommend getting the sport model with the padded seat.
Brianna King
> 3 dayMy two year old loves this bike.
> 3 dayWhen we asked the early intervention person whether to get a trike or a balance bike for a 2nd birthday, she was sure that this would transfer more easily to riding a bike. Thats not our experience, as at 4, he doesnt really understand why he has to pedal to make the bicycle go and really needs training wheels. Were on kid #2 after 2 years, a 3-year-old, so it lasts well. It faded pretty quickly in the sun.
Susan T Kinney
Greater than one weekA perfect fit for my two year old and very lightweight so easy for him to handle.
Miss Willie Wehner
18-11-2024Our almost 2 year old toddler loves her bike.
Zach M
Greater than one weekMy daughter loves your balance bike. She is only 3, yet is already gliding away. Perfect Birthday gift.
> 3 dayOur child love the Strider bike so far. She has only used it a couple times but it seems to be very sturdy and we like the fact that it came with two seats for adjustment. She is a little on the shorter side and needs a little help, but that it to be expected since she is only two and not quite strong enough to hold it up herself. The wheels are a hard plastic and the frame is metal, but not too heavy at all. I recommend this bike over some of the others we tried out in stores before purchasing.
Kindle Customer
> 3 dayMy 2 year old grandson loves this bike. His balance is getting better every day. Its light weight and small so he can maneuver around the house.